Women managed vegetable gardens empower women to feed their families, earn income, reduce social isolation and, overtime, achieve greater self-reliance and community respect
“It has also reduced the level and rate of domestic violence because if the man doesn’t have money to buy, say, tomatoes, when you request for that money, he can yell at you. But now, since we don’t over rely on them, there is a peaceful environment at home. Love is at its best nowadays in our families.” – Gardener in Kyabarungira Sub-County
1000WG staff work to establish 75 new women-managed gardens each rainy season (2 times per year) with vulnerable households, especially grandmothers caring for young children, young mothers and mothers of orphaned children. Three years after the start of the project there are over 600 organic home gardens and 44 community gardens in seven sub-counties of Kasese District.
Listen to the Doreen, the director of 1000 Women’s Gardens, share about the history, practices and success of the project in the lives of women and children.