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RCRA Uganda’s core competences include programming in areas of; Orphans and other Vulnerable Children (OVC), Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health, infectious and non-communicable diseases, WASH/Integrated Water Resources Management, Gender Based Violence, Sexual Reproductive Health, and Rights (SRHR), Livelihoods, Peace/Conflict Sensitivity, social accountability, and Climate change education, adaptation, and resilience, among others. Our Uniqueness is defined by; working with and for people at the margins of Ugandan Society (both refugees and Citizens) and implementing grassroots programs that combine action research and practical work with people-centered advocacy and service delivery. We emphasize rights, social inclusiveness and collaborative linkages with central and sub national governments. RCRA Uganda’s effective programming, good financial management, long term presence and experience in the country as well as s strategic partnerships often result in sustainable changes in the lives of the beneficiaries.
Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy (RCRA Uganda) is a Ugandan National Non-Governmental Organization that has worked in Uganda since 2010 as a local African-led organization. RCRA Uganda is now registered as a Ugandan Non-Governmental Organization with headquarters in Naalya- Kampala and regional office in Kasese district, western Uganda. RCRA Uganda is classified by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a foreign public charity.
RCRA Uganda aspires to contribute towards Uganda’s Development and Humanitarian Responses for vulnerable families in rural and peri-urban communities.
RCRA Uganda response to the challenges of marginalised communities in Uganda is firmly based on a belief that people themselves are the agents of change and actors of their own development.
Therefore, their ability to act on the root causes of poverty is what will transform nation, sub-Sahara Africa and whole Africa’s future. RCRA Uganda has accumulated a wealth of experience and expertise in humanitarian and development programming. The lengthy of existence in Uganda has earned the agency trust and public confidence, founded on good reputation among stakeholders as well as good visibility. It has remained compliant with national regulations for NGO operations; has built a strong working relationship with government at different levels and kept good records of working with development partners. RCRA Uganda’s credibility and trust by government, our target communities and partner NGOs, presents a good opportunity for continued engagements in our areas of operation.