Over the course of 2 years, RCRA has organized 25 ASRH Gatherings for Young Mother Gardeners, reaching 250 young mothers in the 1,000 Women’s Gardens program and another 250 young mothers from adjacent communities – future ‘adopter’ gardeners.
Following each Gathering, young mothers receive ongoing support from selected Young Mother Volunteers (YMVs) through monthly home-based meetings and collective activities to expand their exposure to sexual and reproductive health, and educational and livelihood options, including specific training in organic vegetable gardening. The integrated approach recognizes and addresses the main reasons for unplanned pregnancies ‘while still young’.

Testimonial from the Field
“My name is Christine. I dropped out of schooling Primary five; I went for a hairdressing course where I met a boyfriend. He promised to support me with hairdressing materials and make a hair styling salon for me if I accept to have sex with him. After having sex with him, I realized that I was pregnant for him when I missed my menstruation periods. The man refused to take responsibility for me and the pregnancy; he even didn’t fulfill her promises of purchasing the materials for me. I decided to go and stay with my parents to date till I heard of kitchen gardening through a friend that had been supported by RCRA. I am now into kitchen gardening as a source of food and income. I have hopes of finishing my course if I raise money from my garden. ”
– Young Mother Gardener